
Self-esteem is important because it heavily influences your choices and decisions let's start with taking a look at what self esteem is self esteem is how you feel or think about yourself what is low or poor self esteem look like

 Self-esteem is important because it heavily influences your choices and decisions let's start with taking a look at what self esteem is self esteem is how you feel or think about yourself what is low or poor self esteem look like it is when a person is self-critical or doesn't feel good about their appearance their abilities or their intelligence where does our self esteem come from you're not born with self esteem instead self esteem is developed from your experiences and influences negative experiences and influences often builds low self esteem on the other hand what a person has positive influences and experiences in their life this helps foster a positive self esteem who typically has a big impact on our self-esteem typically those people that are close to us parents family friends coaches and classmates however it's ourselves that can have the biggest impact can we change and improve our self esteem yes we are all capable of doing so how can you boost your self esteem there's a number of tips if you follow can be extremely helpful in boosting your self-esteem the first tip is you need to learn to be your best friend.

what this means is you need to take care of yourself you need to respect yourself and you need to be honest with yourself the second tip be selective with your friends choose the right people to spend your time with find and spend time with those people who are positive and encouraging ignore ignore those people that put you down and stay away from those people that treat you badly tip number three make sure you spend time doing things that you are good at and that you enjoy go discover your talents let's take a look at tip 4 it's important to stop and remind yourself of your abilities and the achievements that you have made self boasting and taking pride in your accomplishments or abilities can be healthy and when you feel that your self-esteem is low it's a good way to give yourself a boost for the last step be true to yourself and do the right thing what this means is standing up for yourself standing up for your beliefs in the end it means doing the right thing even when others are not it has been said that self esteem is like a bucket of water we're all born with a full bucket negative experiences influences actions and thoughts puts holes in our bucket and lowers our self-esteem on the other hand if you want to fill your bucket with self esteem you need to seek out positive influences and experiences and believe in yourself.

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