Tips For Healthy Sleep




Today we will talking about some tips for healthy sleep.
Tips For Healthy Sleep
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Today we will be talking about some tips for healthy sleep.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Tip-1 Make sleep a priority so make sure that you do importance to sleep so because we sleep one-third of our life so make sure if you give importance to it make it a priority.                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Tip-2 Stick to your sleep schedule maintains sleep hygiene so if you are sleeping at 10 p.m. I'm waking up at 6 a.m. make sure you do that every day without there taking a break-even during weekends because that will set you a biological clock that is there in the supra schismatic nucleus.

                                                                                                                                                                    Tip-3 Make sure your dinner is light so don't eat heavy dinner don't think too much spicy food don't take our fried items because these things will take a lot of time for digestion and your gastrointestinal tract will be busy digesting it that means it can lead to disturbed sleep.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Tip-4 Avoid stimulants so what are the instruments that we take on day to day basis that is tea coffee alcohol cigarettes on chocolate that contains caffeine so it means anything that contains caffeine isn't including alcohol I am just a vapor so avoid it so make sure you avoid it especially afternoon so if you are fond of taking tea coffee so make sure you do it before noon not really often or why the kinetics around 6 hours for these molecules to be dynamic of alized in our body.                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Tip-5 Your a bedroom should be pleasant so the pleasantness in the blood group will help to well for us to get into sleep only company to unpleasantness it means you're ready you should have a

comfortable mattress pillows and the lighting should be dimmed they must be dim lights have been room so that your melatonin levels should be increased because the pineal gland will synthesize and secrete melatonin thereby it induces sleep so and also stop using electronics at least one to one and hour for two hours before bedtime so because the electronics it kept your cell phone it can be a small TV it can be your a laptop which all will you a blue light so as we add the blue light gets into your eye so you there's a connection so they can decrease in melatonin and also, our brain thinks that it is not nighttime so the bright light so bright light will decrease melatonin levels so make sure you avoid bright lights use of bright light in the bedroom and also the smart or bright light coming from the objects so make sure you switch off your gadget at least one to two hours before sleep time.                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Tip-6 Only to bed ugly device so make sure you sleep early and wake up early so that means if you're sleeping at 9 p.m. or 10 p.m. so you can wake up at 6 a.m. or maybe 5 a.m. so it all because we can cover around 8 hours of sleep and also note that REM sleep which is the deep wave sleep where we feel fresh once we makeup will be there between 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. in the night so if you sleep early you can wake up that means we can you that means we will have more of REM sleep than the REM sleep which is not a deep male sleep so you got to have more of REM sleep than the REM sleep so it is important to sleep oddly and the wake up early now the seventh the important point here is regular exercise make sure you show some kind of exercise where you physically strain yourself so that our body wants to rest so that means we can that means you can do regular physical activity like walking maybe four-five kilo meters a day or maybe jogging maybe you're swimming it can be playing tennis and also you can not do yoga so just make sure that you have a regular physical activity and keep doing it every day in a week now the next important point is to make sure to use the bedroom only to sleep so that your prey knows that and you get into the bedroom, it is time for sleep. 

                                                                                                                                                                    Tip-7 Avoid anxieties avoid the excitement avoid stress hard worry as much as possible because if you have too much of excitement too much of anxiety too much of stress or too much worry so definitely that the low affect our sleep quality now the next point is if you take one month before sleep so that will

help us to our body to relax and we get into good sleep and also the reading before sleep so if you are not falling asleep quickly so try reading the book not in the smartphone not into your a computer is the physical hard book if you start reading it so that's one of the way that we can fall asleep because reading is that good tranquilizer especially in the bedroom so make sure to read a book if you are not falling asleep quickly and another thing that is important is to make sure you are rapid room temperature is a little colder side then to the warmer temperatures around 23 degrees centigrade to 25 degree centigrade is a good temperature to be maintained in the bedroom so that our body temperature body temperature is decreased and the full-body temperature decreases that mean our brain is ready for sleeping brain thinks that it's time to sleep so that also helped now if you do all of this and don't get sleep so make sure to visit your physician and see if there is any underlying deficiencies by quite a bit of efficiency or if there are any underlying disorders that is affecting your sleep like hypothyroidism and also if you have a a lot of stress worry anxiety excitement all that if something is bothering you it is always good to take up from clinical psychologist or psychiatrist so that your problems are solved so these are some of our tips for any sleep.

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