Value Of Life

One day his son goes to his father and says father what is the value of my life the father gives him a stone and says son if you want to know the value of your life take the stone and go to the market and if anyone asks the price don't say a word
Value Of Life

One day his child goes to his dad and says father what is the worth of my life the dad gives him a stone and says child on the off chance that you need to know the worth of your life take the stone and go to the market and if anybody asks the cost don't let out the slightest peep and raise two fingers so the kid does as his dad says and goes to the market he meanders around and unexpectedly an elderly person approaches him and says what amount is this stone the kid doesn't let out the slightest peep simply raises of two fingers and the lady says two dollars I'll take it the child is astounded and runs back to his dad as his dad there was an elderly person at the market she needed to give me two dollars for the stone the dad says child the following spot I need you to go is to the historical center and in the event that anybody asks the cost don't let out the slightest peep and raise two fingers so the child takes the stone goes to the gallery after around twenty minutes. 

There was a moderately aged man in a suit who moves toward the kid he says sir what amount is this stone the kid doesn't let out the slightest peep and raises two fingers and the man says $200 I'll take it the kid amazed and runs home to his dad father a man in the exhibition hall needed to purchase the stone for $200 OK child the last spot I needed to take the stone is a valuable stone store stroll inside with a stone and on the off chance that anybody asks the cost don't let out the slightest peep simply raise two fingers so the child runs off into the valuable stone store in the wake of discovering it he strolls inside and there is an elderly person at the counter and as the elderly person held onto the stone he hops up and shouts good gracious you have the stone I've been searching for what seems like forever. 

what do you need for it what amount is it the kid doesn't let out the slightest peep and raises two fingers the elderly person says $200,000 I'll take it the kid can't trust it he hops up and rushes to his dad it's his dad the elderly person at the valuable stone store needed to give me $200,000 for the stone you see the child he sees now the worth of your life is about where you place yourself you can choose if you need to be a $2.00 stone or a 200,000 dollar stone there are a few groups are cherishing and for whom your beginning and end and a few groups will simply utilize you like a product and for them, you will merit nothing so it has arrived my child to choose the worth of your life?

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