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Consciousness |
These are my experiences those are your experiences but there is no such thing as my consciousness and your consciousness this is a living consciousness we blew our own bubble I'm sure you have that little wonderful boy who came on the screen I'm sure he's blowing soap bubbles at you sometimes so if you blow a soap bubble this is my bubble that's your bubble pop it went then there is no such thing as my bubble and your bubble there is no such thing as my hair and your air consciousness is just like this right now you have blown your bubble I have blown my bubble this is me that is you but when this goes poof there is no such thing as my consciousness and your consciousness it is just that we are holding a certain amount of if you want to call it as consciousness I would prefer to call it as life because the word consciousness as you're speaking I am saying that even last time and we spoke to all balls friends what I see wakefulness and consciousness there is no clear distinction in medical terminology see everything that you do with your anesthesia has nothing to do with consciousness it has something to do with body and various functions of the body your shutting down certain aspects of the bodily functions, one of them is transmission of pain which is the main interest when somebody is going to surgery you don't want to stop their heart you don't want to stop their brain.
You would like to see the transmission of pain stops whatever is being cut whatever damage or fixing is that is happening is happening whatever parts of the body may be being removed what is not vital maybe being pulled out all that is happening the only transmission of pain is not happening this has got nothing to do with losing consciousness and gaining consciousness there's no such thing so we're using the word wakefulness and consciousness in a little different way and not only that especially not just in medical terminology generally in the English language there is no distinction between somebody's unconscious and he became conscious and consciousness as a larger possibility so my body your body my intelligence periences your X means are all different but there is no such thing as my consciousness and your consciousness it is just that it is only the human creature on this planet who has the neurological capability and sophistication of mechanism that if they are loved it they can access this dimension of consciousness no other creature is really capable of accessing it this doesn't mean there is no consciousness in them without that the life processwouldn't happen there is there is consciousness even where there is no body all right only thing is you need a certain sophisticated instrument to access that which is the human mechanism this is why we consider being human is a great privilege because you have access to dimensions beyond your physical boundaries that is the fundamental significance of being human so let us not misunderstand the instrument and what we see if you take a telescope and see you saw another galaxy but the galaxy is not produced by the telescope the galaxy is there the telescope only gave you an excess similarly your body your brain whatever I don't want to identify different things from your hair to your toes.
Everything is the body as far as I am concerned including your brain it is just another dimension of the body so this body if we keep it in a certain way if we do not contaminate it with too many ideas philosophies identities if you keep it in a certain level of openness this will become an access point to what we are referring to as consciousness or the basis of the life that we are in a way so somebody can call it consciousness somebody can call it a being somebody says this is God well we can use as much of capillary as you want essentially we are trying to put a meaning on something which cannot be defined which has no meaning meaning is a consequence of human psychological process psychological process is a consequence of accumulated memory so you cannot slap one meaning from your mind upon a limitless possibility which is the very basis of our existence so this is what is the fundamental mistake that we are trying to take a piece of our psychological process and trying to understand what is consciousness consciousness is not something that you can understand means there must be a meaning there is no meaning to it there is no meaning to the existence it's just a tremendous phenomenon but you can experience it you have the necessary instruments to experience it not the instruments in your lab you as a person you have the necessary instrument to experience this will you allow it or not is the only question as I said in the beginning it all depends on how you are identified if your identifications are limited you have lost the ability to experience it if your identity is you know not identified with anything you kept yourself loose like that then there is a possibility of experiencing it a whole lot of people under drug-induced conditions they are claiming they experienced many things I am NOT questioning that at all it's very much possible because one thing that I have seen happening to people under the influence of alcohol or drug is they've lost their sense of identity what they think they are usually is not there in them they have become little boundary-less because of that they might have accessed a certain dimension but will that make them competent to access it whenever they want no 100% not in fact they may lose their faculties because they forced it upon chemically forced something to happen so that may not that may damage the instrument for good and you may not be able to experience anything beyond a certain point.
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