

Believe nation today's the message is perceptive over to you Mindy Kaling, it is very important to be expressive and so much that no one should ever be stopping you from saying what you need

Which I think helped me become a really 
would help me later to become a writer and I think that that is the one the biggest thing is to really you know to listen to others more than necessarily putting such a premium on being able to say how what you feel so what do you think first I love Mindy I love her the story I love where she comes from I know people who've read her books and we always talk about how what a smart the person she is and I think she's a fantastic young female role model so so what I'm gonna say comes from all of that stuff but I think I think her point is so valid today because when I think about my kids, I have four kids ranging from like nine down when I think of them being a teenager and I think of them in their 20s and all of the social pressures I think we just spend so much time feeling like we need to prove ourselves to others like if we do certain things if we live a certain lifestyle if we live the lifestyle that we think that we need to live for Facebook that that will be happy and what I took away from it is just give yourself permission to watch others to listen to others to spend time take take the time to just watch what's going on in the war around you and learning from others before you hit the ground running trying to show everyone what you can do that may not have been her message but that's what I took away from it.
I'm a little conflicted I mean I think 
obviously, the message of being perceptive is something that can help you as an entrepreneur if you understand yourself to know your strengths and weaknesses and create a business around that if you understand your customers and what they're looking to do why they're buying your product what they care about listening to them create great products you know great salespeople are the best listeners to understand your staff and build a culture that they want to be a part of and understand what their needs are I think all of that helps tie in.
Here's the conflict I have is if you're 
not perceptive than what do you do is it that I want to try to get more perceptive because my instinct tells me you know what don't worry about it go all-in on what you're good at you to know like if I am if my passion is you know for cars and I'm a great race car driver and that's what I want to be at and I can just be the best racecar driver ever and I'm not great at dealing with people and I'm not great at you to know maybe building a team do I want to work on those things I do want to work on just like being the best race car driver everybody's my thing right so like I feel it helps it can help you as an entrepreneur as a person but if I'm not that do I want to work on that to be better at it or just going in on my strengths so it's my default advice to be going on what you're really good at I forget what the point is to take the time and give yourself permission and take the months or years to watch others and learn from others not worry about sitting down taking notes quick download everything and then I'm gonna go run off on tactical things, I'm gonna go runoff on action, I'm gonna go run off and start putting things into place and so so if you want to be the best racecar driver the best thing to do is to watch you know model the masters watch how the best race car drivers live how they eat what their fitness is you know and learn all of those things and involve yourself.
Into that world, if that's what you want 
and when I think back in terms in terms of my personal background you know my grandfather who's in his late 80s now started a business with four partners in 1950 and watching him live his life going on walks hearing stories all of those things shaped the very values that I bring to my business I have these flashes in my mind where I'm like ah that's where I learned this from this person this is where I learned this from my mother or so on and I think you know being aware of those moments as they're happening and holding on to them and giving yourself permission to not just take it to run with it and go off and start doing tactical things is the lesson and I think that it's not obvious I think a lot of people are worried about getting going I mean I love the message I try to apply to my life I see it totally in terms of building a team in projects and customers and media and suppliers it fits well with Who I am I'm just thinking the people who aren't is it worth going all-in on trying to improve yourself on that versus doing what you're good at focusing on that even though you may be totally clueless to how the rest of the world works and you don't pay attention to your team or you know maybe you don't have a team or you know I don't know I just it's.
Okay I'm conflicted I'm conflicted it's 
not extraordinary as what he's saying yeah I'm conflicted on this point and that's it so the question of the day today is what do you think Evan was kind of like it's okay continue to believe and I'll see you.

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