Types Of Communication Skills

I want to discuss what is communication and the process of communication now what is communication communication derived from a Latin word communis that means comment or you can say communicate that means to share to impart to convey or to transmit now question arises
Types Of Communication Skills
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Verbal communication is further divided into oral and written now what is overall communication oral communication means the communication which is done through words of mouth or which is done through face-to-face or using electronic media like telephone now oral communication influenced by what oral communication influenced by voice pitch clarity of words and thoughts now in oral communication what can be the example of oral communication means conference giving orders discussion etc now what is written communication defined as the words or symbol used by the sender to send his information and message to the receiver either in printed form or through handwritten now.

In written communication what influenced the written communication influenced by words vocabulary way of writing grammar etc in oral and written communication we used our acronyms acronym what is the acronym in actus we use acronym that is ki SS kiss means to keep it simple and short if the message we are conveying is simple and short it will be understood by the receiver correctly let's move further to nonverbal communication means in the words are not lick required or we can say it can be wordless what fewer means if the communication is done through the expression of body is you by using gestures can be positive or gesture can be negative now what is positive gestures being confident being relaxed being confident being realist is positive justice now what is negative just negative gesture means shivering to look again and again at the watch is a negative gesture let's move on the second is on the basis of organization structure on the basis of organized structure communication divided into two formal and informal what is formal communication formal communication means the communication which is done through a chain of command or through proper order is formal communication what can be the most an important point informal communication informal communication, it is error-free or we can say informal communication there is no chance or there is no error because the information which is passed or which is flow is authentic and viable what can be the example of formal communication like meetings memos reports which are given by higher authority to the lower authority through proper media or through proper channel of command informal communication proper rules proper procedure proper principle are followed by the organization let's move to informal communication informal communication means communication which is flow in all direction or we can say communication which is done to build relationship relationship among superior subordinates among peer groups etc an informal communication there is one drawback in informal communication the information.

Which is flow is not authentic or we can say there are more chances of humor become this type of communication mainly held in movie halls canteens etc now the last on the basis of direction on the basis of direction again this is divided into two vertical and horizontal before discussing vertical and horizontal I would like to discuss what is Intel scalar and what is intra scalar interest scalar means when the communication is done at managerial level or we can say when the communication is done vertically vertical communication means communication either moved downward or communication move upward now what is downward communication when the higher authority instructor passes information to the subordinates, it is known as downward communication now what can be the example of downward communication downward communication means giving orders writing memos giving reports etcetera now the question arise what is horizontal communication horizontal communication means when the communication flow at the same level people or we can say at the same level up same level can be IT sector HR department marketing department etc now what is the need of horizontal communication horizontal communication is used to built relationship or to coordinate between different departments like HR communicate to finance or finance communicate to getting to run the organization is smooth here we can dis here lastly I want to conclude communication on the basis of expression on the basis of structure and on the basis of the direction.

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