Self Acceptance

We invest such a lot of energy turning into what in particular individuals are saying that we once in a while focus on what they don't word by Clint Smith
Self Acceptance 

We invest such a lot of energy turning into what in particular individuals are saying that we once in a while focus on what they don't word by Clint Smith.

You slouch too much and quit dragging your feet instead keep your shoulders straight walk with poise and grace okay Society I'm done listening to your constant demands can you see my frustration don't you think it is unfair that we try to live up to unrealistic standards set around us that are not worth our time nor our effort what I mean is we are unkind to ourselves because we do not accept ourselves enough and anyways what is self-acceptance why is it important well self-acceptance is an individual satisfaction or happiness with themselves. I see self-acceptance inside myself and outside myself ladies and gentleman how many of you in this auditorium can comfortably raise your hands and say that you accept yourself without seeking the approval of the people around you not bad earlier this week I asked the group of people the same question only they had to read themselves out of 10 5% gave themselves 10 19 % gave themselves eight to nine-thirty nine-thirty percent gave themselves 67 and nearly half 46% gave themselves five or less when I was younger I had girls of a lighter complexion than me being told you are beautiful like angels meanwhile I was told you are beautiful for your skin color then one day a lady walked up to me and told me you are beautiful I, on the other hand, finished her face saying for my skin color, yes I know she loves and she disagreed.

She said I was simply beautiful skin color excluded at first it bothered me like a normal self-conscious person would be but gradually I let it go because I realized that it would applied to my beginning quote I focused so much on what people said that I rarely paid attention to what they didn't say instead whenever people tried to bring me down or try to change something about me I keep it at the back of my mind that I am enough and do not need society's consent on what I should look or be like and once myself and once I realized that my self-acceptance journey begun but that was merely the first part next came the acceptance from within I often ask myself Who am I what makes me different what would I like to be when I grow up as a young girl I aspire to be the best dancer this world would ever see but as I grew older something new drew my attention to be more precise engineering although I am still passionate about dancing engineering intrigues me more some people however tease at how it isn't exactly a girl's job whatever they meant by that I don't know but what I do know is that they were not accepting the four potentials they seemed ignorant that girls can in fact achieve the dreams they set but in fact they were afraid to step out of the comfort zones to try new things they believed the ancient stereotype that we girls cook clean and care for the baby but mind you the late Saha Hadid was a world-renowned architect who was once a girl with big ambitions like you and me I believe that everyone has something unique about them.

It may take us time to find that something but if we are determined to expand our abilities we can maximize our self-acceptance we can embrace ourselves and empower the people around us if we accept ourselves we can not only work together to break our barriers but help the people around us break theirs too personally I would like to visit children's homes and start a small group in my grandparents home where I can inspire young children to work hard and dream big something as small as self-acceptance can lead to big things like innovation and success so today ladies and gentlemen I leave you with a challenge be kind to yourselves break your insecurities break your barriers accept yourselves because as Amy bloom once said you are imperfect permanently and inevitably flawed and you are beautiful.

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