Define Self Esteem

You owe it to yourself to be great you owe it to yourself some say they're selfish some might say they owe it to their family to be there for them let me tell you something you owe it to your family to set an example of someone who lives
Define Self Esteem
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     You owe it to yourself to be great you owe it to yourself some say they're selfish some might say they owe it to their family to be there for them let me tell you something you owe it to your family to set an example of someone who lives the life they want to live a strong example of a strong human being you owe it to everyone you love to set an example of what a great life looks like so they can follow in your footsteps settling for Less it stops with you, except an average, it stops with you strength courage determination and a beautiful life that starts with you you can't help anyone until you help yourself and when you make you strong that strength will spill over to everyone else will be inspired by you they will follow your example some say to focus on yourself is selfish I say to settle for a mediocre life that you hate that selfish because that will be replicated for many generations to come until someone says enough is enough you ought to yourself to see how far you can go in life you owe it to yourself to earn the kind of money you want to earn

You owe it to yourself to be the kind of the person you want to be to feel the energy you want to feel to have the body you want to have from doing the work you know you are capable of doing you owe it to yourself to feel the pride of knowing you've made your life you didn't get lucky you work for it you sacrifice when it was hard you pushed harder you owe it to yourself to feel that Pro bad birthday and say that was the moment that was the moment I decided no more that was the moment I decided that was the moment I said do it for you that much you owe it to yourself to be great you owe it to yourself your biggest strength in life will be the perception that you have over yourself how do you feel about yourself your self-worth what is that see confidence is the greatest asset you could ever have and that is built based on experience based on the living based on what you bring to the table you see a doctor doesn't get paid based on the amount of time that he spends on you you see a lot of people say oh you only saw me for five minutes how did this cost so much money no no you're not paying for the five minutes you're paying for everything that he brings to the table within those five minutes you're paying for the experience you're paying for all the time that he spent in school to be able to quickly diagnose what's going on with you and be able to give you the proper direction of how to get better see that's what you're paying for and so the doctor has an established worth of who he is and that is based on the amount of schooling that he went through the amount of experience that he went through the amount of preparation and everything and being able to see things through experience and so he hasn't established Worth based on his time what is your work on your time just to give you perspective a million dollars means that you are practically worth $500 an hour based on 40 hours per week                                                                                                                                                                                                              So where do you see yourself because you will never be a millionaire unless you really value your time that way unless you say my time is worth $500 an hour and you have to understand that things that are eating up your time hours in the day is this activity worth $500 it's spending time with this person worth $500 see and if you want to be a deck of million you want to be a hundred you want to own hundreds of millions of dollars billionaire well that goes up exponentially so where do you see yourself that's the greatest thing so confidence is the greatest asset you can ever have and I'm not just talking about a little confidence saying yeah I'm confident okay it's the difference between watching a movie on your smartphone right with awful poor sound or watching a movie in a movie theater with this surround sound where it's rumbling and shaking where you jump right and you you're basically immerse yourself in the character and you're basically living that reality that's what that is and they've done test after test to show that the more confident you are the more yes you believe in yourself in terms of your body language it affects other people in terms of the perception of you in addition to your own self Lee so I'm not talking about little tiny detail like I'm talking a little a little description of being confident like the smartphone that's the equivalent I'm talking about immersing yourself in the tiniest little detail just like a huge movie theater to know every little quirk about yourself to be totally confident about that they've done study after study there was one study where doctors in white coats performed significantly  better than doctors without white coats because it's all about the perception of yourself and so my invitation it's you is to raise your standard of who you are raise it to raise the bar get there and you could do this you can get yourself a nice watch get yourself some nice clothes dressed shocked.                                                                                                                                                                                                     You will infinitely feel in certain aura about you and that gravitational pull from other people will feel better that way right they will want to do more business with you, they want to hang out with you more you're presenting energy about yourself of who you are your own self-concept you are used to a lower standard of life a lower quality of living if you accept that your subconscious knows that okay we can get by here if you do not accept that if you will not accept that life and you say my bar is here I do not settle for anything under it well guess what you won't you will reach that thought and you can only achieve these great things in the world if you truly believe you're worthy of them.

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