Fear Of Failure

Have you ever been so afraid of failing at something that had stopped you from doing what needs to be done fear of failure can be so strong that avoiding failure eclipses the motivation to succeed insecurity about doing things incorrectly causes many of us to unconsciously sabotage our chances for success in fact it's not the failure
Fear Of Failure 
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Failures in the future the good news is if we create fears by ourselves that means we can get rid of them too instead of letting our imagination to control us in a negative way we need to change the movie we keep watching in our heads humans are inclined to shy away from pain and strive for pleasure in all aspects of our life learn how to use pain and pleasure instead of having pain and pleasure use you when you do that you are in control of your life if you don't fear controls you here are three ways to overcome fear of failure overcoming fear of failure can be hard but when we can envision what our lives would be like if we give up on our dreams the reality starts setting in how would it be if we were to allow the fear of failure to dictate our every move what would life be like 5 10 15 or even 20 years from now if we quit chasing our dreams because of his silly fear when You can imagine the pain that the fear of failure may rule over your actions, so it may be possible to use that pain as a driving force. always do more to avoid pain than gain pleasure in the short term however if we can flip that script into the long term the possibilities are endless we have to use that same potential for future pain of giving up on our dreams to drive us today we have to use that to overcome the fear of failure no matter how powerful it might be any alternative to living the life that you absolutely deserve due to a fear of failure is no alternative at all so ask yourself what will it cost you if you let the fear of failure stop you what has it cost you in the past what is it costing the people you love really take the time to envision the painful scenario in the long term associate as much pain as possible to the scenario that involves allowing the fear of failure to stop you it's very important to have a strong enough reason to drive you towards achieving something when you have a meaningful goal you will do just about anything to help make it into a reality however when the goal doesn't mean that much to you you're not willing to do as much to achieve it whenever obstacles come into We give up our way when there is no solid reason to achieve something which makes you more afraid of failure then focus on it. not on money cars houses or tangible things but the intangible motivators in our lives for example love family freedom security and etc we will always do more for things that truly matter deep down inside and aren't just superficial reasons for wanting whatever it is that you want out of life.

So take a look at your goals and make sure you have deep enough reasons for wanting to achieve them and be sure to write those reasons out ask yourself why are you willing to do whatever it takes to achieve that goal how will your life be if you don't let the fear of failure stop you what will you gain what will it mean for the people you love what will it give you ask these questions to make sure you're emotionally associated to the massive immediate pleasure of overcoming fear of failure now sometimes all it takes to overcome the fear of failure is to think about a time in the past when we broke through our fears and achieved our goals no matter how small we might have been we all have it within ourselves to make those breakthroughs but we don't always give it everything we've got think back to a dream you once had in the past something that's a reality in your life right now how badly did you want it what held you back from achieving it what stood in your way how powerful was your fear of failure back then think about how you overcame that write it out in great detail try to think back to your thought patterns when you were faced with a fear that you broke through it's a liberating feeling and getting back into that headspace can do wonders for our potential for progress when you overcome your fear of failure to achieve whatever it is that you were trying to achieve the feeling is undeniably incredible we have all experienced it before and we have to leverage that once felt feeling to help fuel us in our present quests towards whatever goals we're trying to achieve today just remember that without risk there's no victory so what do you want to play it safe and have a boring life or to risk but have an amazing life choice is yours my friend today's the day you can begin to practice those three ways to overcome fear of failure so that you can do the things that you need to do to make your dreams come true or you can continue to let paraphernalia stop you and feel that pain of regret of not achieving your goals.

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