Habits of Health

In today's post, I am talking about Some healthy habits that you guys should do every single morning.
Habits of Health
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2 Drink some water it is even better than drinking coffee obviously and it also boosts you with so much energy so make sure to do that it is also great for your immune system for your skin it flushes out toxins and it's actually so great if you want to be a little more extract you can also put some lemon juice with a little bit of salt trust me for this one it is really great for you salt I'm not saying to put like a bunch of it just like a little pinch that's good it's great to boost your digestion it's great for your immune system all of that make sure to do that every single morning and it's actually the most important thing to do every single day not just during the morning the third one is to put on some music I mean come on who doesn't love music it is actually great to start your day off right because you're setting off by listening to something you like I'm not saying put on some big rap music I mean I'm sure that's gonna wake you up in the morning and that's you wanna go ahead but if you want to start your morning in a little more calmer way I might say and just make sure they like put on some piano I don't know some violins and cello whatever it might be just as long as it helps you become calmer and less stressed it is actually great and it's also just wakes you up at the better mood the fourth one is to open your windows opening your windows is great because it actually changes the air in the house if you have been sleeping in for a couple of hours and it's also great for your lungs in your body to breathe some fresh air so make sure to do that but like if it's like minus 40 degrees and with like a bunch of rain or ice or anything just just don't open your window I don't want you to catch a cold I want you to become healthier so don't do that but if the weather outside isn't that bad make sure to do it every single morning it is awesome for your health the fifth one is to stretch who else here wakes up in the morning having to do this all the time like searching a little well that is because your body needs it it stretches your muscles it helps your your blood circulated better in your body it is a stress reliever it helps your flexibility you'll have to stretch for 10 minutes just like three minutes.Judging your arms your legs that's it you're good to go just as long as you do it it's great for your muscles okay so for the food lovers here who love eating breakfast in the morning just make sure to eat something healthy it could be fruits veggies whatever it might be I don't is in the morning weird but you could eat like an omelet like eggs with a bunch of veggies is just great for your body just as long as you boost your body with nutritious foods and vitamins and all of that it is great for you it's even better than eating cereal trust me okay.                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
  3-It's to read I know it might sound weird especially for the people who are in school and our students I mean we read all the time and we are mostly obligated to read and books and all I'm just I'm not saying to read a book you can even just look through the pages of a magazine read something that you love I mean it's the time to read something that you enjoy it's great because it'll actually hit improve your writing skills and your memory I mean who doesn't want that and as you're at it you might as well organize your schedule for the day now I have talked about that in past videos so make sure to check that out if you need some help on staying organized if you need some help actually to use a planner and all of that make sure to check that video out so the nines habit is to do something that you love in the morning you could play some piano draw whatever it might be just as long as you are happy I mostly just paint my nails because I love feeling a little bit girly with like cute nails on but it could be anything that you like just as long as you do something that you enjoy it helps you start the day off right by doing something that you actually enjoy you become happier because you know that you did something that you like I mean it always comes down to you doing something that you love so make sure to do that to actually become a happier person in the morning okay so the last  tip it is not gonna lie the hardest one but it's to get off your phone I'm not saying go off your phone for the whole day only in the morning and because it was actually scientifically proven that is such a long word that people who go on social media and the first thing in the morning they become a little bit more sad they are tempted to compare themselves I'm not saying that if you go on social media and you're like the saddest person on earth I'm saying that and you should limit yourself a little bit more just because it'll actually help you become a happier person since you didn't start off your day by comparing yourself to it also it gives you more time in the day to do something that you love and to do my other nine habits that I just changed you today.

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