The Miracle Morning

We've all heard that if you could win the morning you could win the day one of the ways to doing that is to create Regular rituals and routines so you don't have to think about what you need to do and if you can set up routines and habits
The Miracle Morning
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Take two minutes and make your bed because that's a successful habit Right, if we're talking about positive momentum the science momentum getting things done checking things off doing it with excellence then make your bed It's worse than one or two minutes because again how you do anything is how you do everything and have a good check. Imprint on something like making your bed is exceptionally amazing in light of the fact that it instructs you to have the option to accomplish something. Well and excellence like they do in the military and the other benefit is when you come back at the end of the day you come back to success you come back to your Bed already made after that what I'll do is I'll go into the kitchen and I'll have a tall glass of water because you know We utilize a great deal of water and the vast majority of us are extremely got dried out around evening time. I'll take my supplements there I take my pro-biotics, which is the big one because your gut is your second brain We talked about quick brain, you know being your brain in your head But you also have an incredible amount of nerve cells and your gut and so I want to make Trump that's being fed. And Healthy so I take my pro-biotics Then what I do is I do my breathing right? I'm thinking about the things on Focusing on here. I'm thinking about excellence. I'm thinking about hydration. I'm thinking about oxygen whatever your breathing technique is I focus on breathing. So whether it's box breathing or alpha breathing Whether it's Wim Hof's method.

I do a breathing procedure since I need to completely Oxygenate my body and you know my cerebrum which is essential for my body too and perhaps we can do another scene Submitted towards that I do my consideration in the initial segment of the day and besides later in the early evening or evening a portion of the time before I hit the hay Anyway I generally do an early morning reflection I do it for around 20 minutes care is so significant So I need to have an unmistakable psyche as I enter the day and some contemplation places me in that space 15-20 minutes some of you use headspace have on some of you utilize the mouse gadget utilize some sort of innovation. I Ponder then from that point. I do a couple of minutes of just development and this could be diverse It very well may be cal religious zealots it gives me burpees However I simply need to get into my body after I think Thus I move my body pretty strongly two or three minutes And in case I'm in a lodging, possibly I'm simply doing bouncing jacks, yet I'm doing crunches for two minutes in a row I'm simply waking my body that isn't my activity for the day It's only for me to get my pulse beating and getting some development and in my body, from that point, I scrub down and it's a virus shower and I do have confidence in cool treatment. It works for me It assists me with resetting my sensory system ice showers are incredible In light of the fact that it helps like on the off chance that you hit your knee you put ice on it to lessen expansion and aggravation Its cool treatment is an amazing method of resetting your sensory system and decreasing irritation so I clean up when I get out I go to my ordinary routine right of Shaving and brush my teeth a ton of good stuff. At that point I make a tea and my number one tea resembles a cerebrum tea, you know It's a mix of Gotu kola ginkgo lions made some MCT oil and some different pearls as I go through it I taste my tea, and that is the place where I compose my diary and I'm a major adherent to journaling I've been doing it since I've been in school and I feel like probably the most astonishing Masterminds within recent memory and ever, the diary and they keep Journals. I mean you consider Edison einstein? Da Vinci despite the fact that their diaries are invaluable right from that point directly from journaling since I'm composing and I preferred composition There's a lot of studies saying that penmanship is better compared to really composing then since I'm composing as of now I'm going to my daily agenda and. We as a whole have a continuous a large portion of us have a progressing daily agenda of things that we need to complete For me the huge thing is I simply need to have the option to achieve As an all-out success.

Three things for work and three things actually and they don't need to be all epic huge things. But I just feel like that if I could get three of my work goals done on my to-do list and three of my things to do Then it's been a great day. And you know, it's kind of like my friend clay a bear talked about a champagne moment It's like your champagne moment when you're looking back at the end of the day saying yesterday. It was a great day I crushed it today.  I won and notwithstanding my daily agenda. I likewise have a rundown to feel list since I feel like we are a great deal of our who we are as our states and feelings and I think I don't want it to be just Where I happen to feel a certain way by accident, it's but by its design, it's the metaphor I always talk about the difference between a thermometer and a thermostat and thermometer reacts to the Environment and I feel like sometimes if I act like a thermometer I'm just gonna react to everything that's going on in my world and I just might have some good positive states as Opposed to being a thermostat where I said in advance a standard a goal, you know my firm. I too feel a list of certain feelings I want to feel throughout the day so I could design it that way to feel loved to feel curious to feel bewilderment right connection gratitude I Also have besides that to-do list and to feel list. I also look at my to-be list Like who do I want to be today?  Also, you know, would I like to be a decent accomplice? Don't be a good friend and a good leader a good teacher a good coach I feel into what I want to be that day because not just about you know or not It's kind of cliche but there's a truth to it. We're not human doings, right?

We're a human being so who don't want to be today? from there If I have time, I will make time for the most important things is I read I read for about 20-30 minutes So after my I do my reading then I go and I um, I make my brain smoothie brain berries Which are your blueberries and avocado and your leafy vegetables? And water and everything and when I'm done with that smoothie I go through my brain training in One of our quick learning online programs at quick learning we have an online speed perusing course online memory course Thinking course scholastic achievement.  Of course. That's right - my brain training and I like to do it in the morning because I want to jump-start my brain my mind if you will And also my body and that's the goal for me and that focusing in the morning So after I do certain brain training which is all in our programs, then I start my day.


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