Self Confidence

Today we discuss some psychological hacks to boost your confidence and self-esteem action is key simply read this blog post won't magically make you more confident so the suggestion
Self Confidence
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While something unrelated to your goals could be singing out loud while walking across the street which is a bit out of the ordinary I know but it's something that scares most people and therefore a good way to get out of your comfort zone once your list is ready the next step is to list every item from the easiest one to the most difficult one then start doing the first one the most feasible once you've done it.

You can move to the next one so you can build your confidence one step at a time two change something about your look dress for the confidence you'd like to have not for the confidence you have now the idea is to improve something about your look could be regarding your style or maybe a haircut change why does it work first reason by looking better you'll like yourself more and this will increase your self-esteem the second reason is that it tells your brain that something is changing that you are becoming a different person and you can allow yourself to acquire more effective behaviors three do an activity that improves your social skills.

There are many ways you can do this, For example, you could look for groups of people that meet regularly on Facebook on or other websites there are many groups organized around different interests groups that go hiking groups that need to do some practice with a foreign language group that organizes photography trips, etc the goal is to meet new people regularly to develop your social skills with strangers another way would be to sign up for improv comedy classes.

Improv comedy is a great way to overcome the feeling of being watched and learn how to think fast in social settings Practice the power pose the efficacy of this has been debated until a recent academic paper offered plentifully evidence by cross-examining 55 different studies so what's power posing is a technique in which people stand in a posture that they mentally associate with being powerful with the goal of feeling and behaving more assertively you could do this when you take a break from work or before doing something a bit scary and stressful it's fun and easy just hold one of these poses for 30 seconds.

Adopt a growth mindset over 30 years ago dr Carol Dweck and her colleagues became interested in students attitudes in the face of failure they noticed that some students rebounded while other students seemed devastated by even the smallest setbacks after studying the behavior of thousands of children dr Dwight coined the terms fixed mindset and growth mindset to describe the underlying beliefs people have about learning and intelligence.

When students believe they can get smarter they understand that effort makes them better, therefore, they put in extra time and effort and that leads to higher achievement so what's a growth mindset in simple words growth mindset is the belief that success is not a result of innate abilities but hard work and almost anything can be learned with the right amount of effort other studies have demonstrated that a person can change their opinion about this and adopt a growth mindset, therefore, nothing is stopping you from embracing this new powerful way of thinking about yourself and your goals.

Mindfulness meditation what does it have to do with your confidence a lot taking a step back from your emotions allow you to lessen the power that difficult emotion such as fear or anxiety has over you and will inevitably increase your self-esteem the same applies to your thoughts when you detach from your self-criticism you're able to undermine the power that they have over you and realize that these thoughts are simply words in your mind seven self-acceptance meditations I guess there are some things that you don't like about yourself everybody does the best way to deal with this issue is by practicing self-acceptance self-compassion self-kindness self-acceptance are all synonyms for the same attitude of compassionate understanding towards ourselves.

I know this might sound like another one of that feel-good advice but it's actually proven by science many studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of self-acceptance for managing difficult thoughts and emotions and the effect is instant try it for yourself and be ready to be surprised you can find many self-acceptance meditations along with mindfulness meditation inside the swipe joy app download it for free on the app store and google play store.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Stop caring what other people think of you why is it important to stop giving a damn about other people's opinions this could be summarized in one-word freedom when you're too worried about what other people might think of you you feel like walking on a wire at the top of a skyscraper the only way you can go is straight you don't even think about changing course or doing some sudden movements you don't want to risk falling down this is not freedom for more information.

Work on your social connection Jim Rohn famously said that we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with the people we surround ourselves with shape our view of the world this means that if we want to grow as individuals we need to take an honest look at our friends are some of your friends pessimistic or just negative in general do they have a limited view about what a person can achieve in life or maybe they tend to put you down I'm not saying to cut this friendship entirely but maybe you can start spending less time with such negative people at the same time ask yourself what group of people should I try to surround myself with to achieve my goals for example if you want to be an entrepreneur a very good idea would be to join a mastermind with other business owners bottom line surround yourself with people who uplift you.

Stop social comparison when you'll meet people that are further in life compared to you you might start comparing yourself with them and feel bad for this very reason if you do this envy might start crippling in truth be told a small amount of good envy is useful it primes you to pay close attention to other people's behaviors so that you can replicate what they are doing to achieve what they have achieved at the same time if you start experiencing a lot of negative feelings know that you're crossing the limit that divides healthy envy from harmful and counterproductive envy the solution is to make peace with the fact that every person is different and in life, we achieve different things in different stages.

Furthermore, luck might come into play but as long as you keep your heads down and work hard luck will come on your path if you're looking for more tools to boost your confidence and self-esteem you can download the swipe joy app for free on the app store and google play store and now it's your turn to put this information into action which one of these practical strategies are you going to implement first don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe to our blog to not miss the next ones.

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