Internal Conflicts

We have eight types of internal conflicts that sabotage our growth and how to overcome them. When we talk about internal conflict we refer to it as the act of experiencing contrasting feelings desires impulses or psychological beliefs it's a mental struggle that can happen at any point in our lives in relation to various topics such as religious beliefs work commitments relationships social ideologies and moral standpoints now in this post we'll be discussing of eight types of internal conflict that can sabotage your growth if not taken care of properly we'll also learn how to overcome them so we can find our peace of mind.
Internal Conflicts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    We have eight types of internal conflicts that sabotage our growth and how to overcome them. When we talk about internal conflict we refer to it as the act of experiencing contrasting feelings desires impulses or psychological beliefs it's a mental struggle that can happen at any point in our lives in relation to various topics such as religious beliefs work commitments relationships social ideologies and moral standpoints now in this post we'll be discussing of eight types of internal conflict that can sabotage your growth if not taken care of properly we'll also learn how to overcome them so we can find our peace of mind.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   1-Conflict being saddled with contrasting beliefs when it comes to something that has to do with our personal ethics moral conflict comes about to be clearer a person can believe in human rights but won't believe in euthanasia and that'll bring about moral conflict also someone might have to lie to save the life of another when they hold telling the truth in high esteem.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        2- The Sexual conflict this particular type of conflict is usually intertwined with either moral or religious conflict someone can discover their homosexuality yet their Christians in another instance someone might value monogamous relationships when they're sexually suited for polygamous relationships

              3-Religious conflict this type of conflict can be considered as common because it has to do with beliefs by the way these are very mind oriented and this makes them very fragile topics when presented with scientific facts a person who values both their religious belief and the truth can begin to have a religious conflict, for instance, you can believe that God is a very loving God but can't bring yourself to accept that the loving God sends people to hell for eternity someone can be faithful religiously but still indulge occasionally in the use of marijuana which is recognized as a drug.                                                                                                                                                                                                    4-Political conflict political conflict is birthed when an individual is torn between the beliefs of their political party and their own personal beliefs for instance someone who believes in America may not believe in the payment of taxes you can be comfortable with a political party but frowned deeply at their approach towards the health care system you can believe in the philosophy of a political party but dislike the party propagating it.

             5-Love conflict when we love someone and still want to do something that will cause them pain love conflict occurs a good example is when we have to smack our children in correction even though we love them with all of our hearts another is loving every bit of your partner but finding some of their attitudes annoying it can also be being in love with someone so much that you wish to keep them but sadly you have to let them go.

          6-Self-image conflict simply put self-image is the mental idea that one has about oneself so internal conflict can arise when we're met with proof that contradicts the very things we believe about ourselves someone who views himself as honest might have to tell a lie on the resume to land their dream job a person who's very passionate about healthy eating may be neck-deep in smoking it may not want to give it up or a person who sees themself as an empath can see themselves constantly feeling resentful towards someone else.

            7-Interpersonal conflict interpersonal conflict is intertwined with both love conflict and self-image conflict it's a type of conflict that arises when you're trying to program yourself to act in a certain way but you end up seeing yourself act oppositely it occurs mostly in social situations a person can hate talk about sports but will find themselves faking interest in it just to have a sense of belonging an introvert can be showing off a fake high level of energy but in the actual sense they don't have that much energy.

8-The Existential conflict this type of conflict comes about when two contrasting desires or beliefs arise when it concerns life it's normally associated with feelings of confusion and discomfort instances of this type of conflict include having desires to live life to the fullest but being unwilling to make a move or get out of your comfort zone you may hate life but find yourself loving it at the same time existential conflict can also revolve around the world, for instance, you may want so much to save the world but also believe that it's headed for doom so how to find peace of mind here are some tips that will help.

you find peace of mind number one you need to differentiate between fear and intuition the voice of your intuitions is usually strong and clear the voice of fear on the other hand is wavering know the difference between the two number two weigh the advantages and disadvantages of the choices you're about to make whenever you find yourself in a tight spot about choosing between two choices use the sheet of paper to draw up the advantages and downsides of both let the greater Goodwin 3 one of the first steps toward having peace of mind is figuring out your topmost priority more often than not internal conflict arises as a result of not having clear priorities by priorities I mean the things that mean the world to you for learn how to be brutally honest don't give in to fear as it's one of the major underlying factors of internal conflict own your truth proudly most times it lightens up the path that leads you to discover your priorities in your real self 5 when in doubt ask yourself which is the lesser evil necessity they say is the mother of invention so make a choice that won't be too difficult for you to live with 6 learn how to gaze into the future from the present ask yourself if you'll regret the choice you'll make then when you're on your deathbed if both choices are bad ask yourself which you'll regret the most and go for the lesser one number 7 calming the mind can be very therapeutic it's a nice way to cool off and see things from an entirely new dimension you can try to get your mind to achieve calmness and relaxation by listening to music or meditation well those are eight types of internal conflict and how to find peace of mind by overcoming them I hope that you've enjoyed my explanation and please don't hesitate to share your thoughts and experiences in the comment section below and don't forget to subscribe to our website 

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